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Food Forum Iceland


Ladeja Godina Košir, executive director of the Circular Change , and Anne Pøhl Enevoldsen, head of the department of Sustainable Diet and health at the Danish Food and Animal Administration,  are among the many interesting speakers appearing at the Food Congress  in Harpa on November 15.

The circular economy, in the context of the newly approved food policy until the year 2040 , is the main subject of the assembly, which is now being held for the second time. In addition to being the founder and CEO of Circular Change, Ladeja Godina Košir is co-director of the European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform organized by the European Union.

Read more about this upcoming event in Iceland.

Earlier Event: November 10
Drugi Predsedničin forum
Later Event: November 22
Dneve Latinske Amerike in Karibov